Join us on February 2 for Mass and the blessing of candles, as we celebrate this beautiful feast.
May we all carry the Light of Christ into the world, just as Simeon proclaimed Him to be the salvation of all people.
On February 2, we celebrate theFeast of the Presentation of the Lord, when Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem to dedicate Him to God, as Jewish law required. This moment, described in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 2:22-40), is a special part of Jesus’ early life. The day is also calledCandlemas, because during this Mass, we bless candles, a tradition that reminds us of Jesus as the Light of the World.
Why Do We Celebrate Candlemas?
1. It’s in the Bible:
Mary and Joseph followed Jewish law, dedicating Jesus to God as their firstborn son. While in the Temple, they met Simeon, a holy man who called Jesus the Messiah and the “light for all people” (Luke 2:32). That’s why this feast focuses so much on light!
2. Jesus is the Light of the World:
We bless candles on this day to symbolize Jesus as the Light that guides us through darkness. Many people take these blessed candles home and use them during storms, illnesses, or personal prayer as a reminder of Jesus’ presence and protection.
3. It’s the End of the Christmas Season:
Even though the liturgical Christmas season officially ends with the Baptism of the Lord, Candlemas feels like one final moment to reflect on Jesus’ birth and His mission as our Savior. It also comes halfway between Christmas and Easter, giving us a chance to think about how Jesus lights our path.
Candlemas Traditions
Blessing of Candles:
During the February 2 Mass, candles are blessed and distributed to symbolize the light of Christ. In some households, these candles are kept and used throughout the year during prayer or significant moments, such as storms or illness, as a reminder of Christ’s protection and presence.
Candlelight Processions:
Some parishes hold a procession with lit candles, symbolizing how we carry the light of Christ into the world.
Why This Feast Matters Today:
Candlemas reminds us that even when life feels dark or uncertain, Jesus is always with us, bringing light, hope, and peace. It’s also a call to share that light with others – whether through acts of kindness, prayer, or simply being a source of hope to those around us.
"Lord, now you let your servant go in peace… for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel."(Luke 2:29-32)
The parish has purchased beeswax candles. You are invited to take one candle as you enter church this weekend. Please be on time so you are able to participate in the blessing at the start of each Mass!
If you would like to help defray the cost of the candles, a free will offering may be made using the link below, or by placing your gift in one of the boxes near the candles in the atrium.