"What shall I return to the Lord
for all his goodness to me?" (Psalm 116:12)
As members of St. Stephen the First Martyr, we are called to live out three essential aspects of our faith: generosity, prayer, and service. These values shape our parish community and strengthen our bonds as we follow Christ together.
As we begin the new year, we encourage all parishioners who do not give online to please use their parish envelopes for their offertory and second collection donations. We also ask that you please write the amounts on the front to have those donations properly recorded in our software system for your tax purposes.
During the counting process, the contents of the envelopes are verified against the amount written on the front and then separated. Donation amounts are then recorded in our software from the envelopes only. Recording loose checks has become a cumbersome task for the volunteers and will no longer be done after March 1.
As you know, we have several giving options at St. Stephen’s: traditional envelopes or online giving via WeShare or Flocknote. If you are not receiving envelopes and want to use that option, please call the parish office at 845-986-4028. Online giving options are available on our parish website, www. ststephenchurchwarwick.org. Parish staff can also assist with signing up for online giving.
As always, we are grateful for the generosity of our parishioners. Your continuous support is greatly appreciated. Thank you.