This year, our parish is taking part in the Archdiocese’s Increasing Offertory Program.
Since 2022, the Archdiocese has invited parishes – especially those facing financial challenges – to join this initiative. Fortunately, our parish is in a stable financial position. However, the primary goal of the program is to raise awareness about the increasing costs we have all experienced in recent years, even within our own parish. You’ve likely noticed the impact of rising expenses during your own trips to the store.
This program is simply an invitation for reflection – an opportunity to consider whether you might be able to increase your weekly offertory contribution, even by a small amount ($1, $2, $5, $10). Only you know your financial situation best, and you are the best judge of what you can contribute.
Some of you may be thinking, “This is a great idea, but the timing isn’t right.” With school taxes, children’s education, and other expenses, we understand that now may not be the ideal time for everyone. The good news is that our parish will always be here, and if you’re not able to participate right now, you are welcome to join in the future. Your participation, whenever it’s possible, is greatly appreciated.
Whatever your decision regarding this invitation, we ask that you kindly share your response. Doing so shows that as a parish, we have heard the message, reflected on it, and are ready to express our thoughts. This will give us a clearer understanding of the financial challenges we face as a community and reflect positively on us as a parish.
You may have received envelopes with forms inside. For those who did not, these can be found in the pews. Please fill out the forms and place them in the collection basket or the special box in the vestibule.
Please take some time to consider this invitation, and we trust that you will make the right decision. Thank you for your continued generosity and support.
God bless you!
Fr. Slawek