The word Liturgy means “the work of the people.” Liturgical Ministries are a way to serve the Church during the Mass. There are many ways to serve, and they are listed below. Please prayerfully consider one of these ministries - they are gifts to both the giver, and the receiver - God and your parish family!
Adoration: “Could you not watch with me one hour?” ~ Matthew 26:40
Holy Hour is about cultivating our relationship with Jesus. The Christian life is about being in a personal relationship with Christ, which is expressed most powerfully in the Holy Hour with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Please consider taking the time to adore Jesus and commit to just one hour a month on First Fridays from 7:30 pm until 8:30 am Saturday morning (except for the months of January and February). There is also Adoration every Monday morning following Daily Mass until noon.
Calling all young people 3rd Grade and up: Altar Servers are special followers of Jesus! When you take part in the Liturgy through your service at the altar, you offer a witness to all gathered in the church. Your unique presence and closeness to the altar shows your love for our Lord. When you serve the priests and deacons, you serve the people of God, and above all, you serve Christ! All the special service you will do--which so many others do not have the opportunity to do--is done for the Honor and Glory of God. For more information or to sign up for our next training session, email [email protected].
The Altar Society began out of the need to assist our pastor and priest. At present we have five Altar Society servers who attend daily Mass and are responsible for the removal and replenishing of the daily Mass vessels and cloths. It is a small, quiet daily task done with the knowledge that what we handle has touched our Lord Jesus Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity and we take care to treat each vessel and cloth with the utmost reverence and respect and honor. There is a training session for these tasks and if you feel called in this regard, please contact Mary Lou Carbone, 845-986-1385 anytime.
Commonly known as a “Eucharistic Minister”, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is the canonically correct title for a layperson who distributes the Eucharist during Mass or at other times, such as to the homebound. A suitable candidate should have a devotion to the Eucharist and possess the time, health and willingness to serve in this capacity. Eucharistic Ministers should be 18 years of age or older, be confirmed, and have an ongoing relationship with the parish. After prayerful consideration, if you feel called to this ministry, kindly contact the Parish office at (845) 986-4028. Mrs. Jan Gray and Mrs. Miriam Muse provide training and scheduling.
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1)
The Ministry of Lector proclaims the Word of God who is as present in His word as He is in the Eucharist. Lectors are needed for all Masses. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, text Kathy Weyant at 973-903-1935 or email [email protected]. Training will be provided.
"Music is a sign of God's love for us and of our love for Him."
From singing weekly at Sunday Mass to singing seasonally for special Liturgies, there is a place for you to share your gift of music with others and offer it back to God! Music ministry leads the gathered faithful to lift their hearts and minds to the Lord through song as well as enriching the Liturgy by adding musical elements beyond the capabilities of the congregation alone. Whether you are a skilled musician or just a lover of song, you are most welcome to join any one of our various groups as either a singer or instrumentalist! Our groups include: Children's Choir & Chime Choir (9 a.m. Mass 2x/month), Adult Choir (9 a.m. Mass), Folk Group (11 a.m. Mass).
Ushers play an important part of the liturgy and in our parish. They, along with the greeters, are normally the first person you see when you enter the church. Ushers are ready before mass to welcome people to the church and assist visitors. They make sure that the church is ready for mass, help people with seating; assist anyone who might have special needs. An usher will take up any collections during the mass. They make sure that communion lines are orderly and any person who wishes to receive communion and cannot walk down to the alter is taken care of. Greeters, as the name implies, welcome people before Mass and answer any questions, hand out bulletins, etc. Greeters sometimes help ushers during Mass if the need arises. For more information on helping as an usher or greeter, email Art Wendel at [email protected].