We are in need of many men, women and children to join these ministries of hospitality.
Why are these ministries important? These ministers:
welcomepeople to worship
create apositive first impression
assist visitorsto our parish
help foster asense of community, ofbelongingto our parish
have the opportunity tolive out our faith- this is considered an act of Christian service, reflecting the belief that welcoming others is a way to welcome Christ himself.
Our goal is to have three greeters at each Mass - welcoming parishioners and visitors at the doors of the church. A smile and welcome goes a long way to making people feel welcome. Children are welcome to participate with a parent. The commitment is 15 minutes prior to the start of Mass and 5 minutes after Mass begins to welcome latecomers.
Our goal is to have additional ushers who assist with seating parishioners and visitors, help take up the collection and aid in directing Communion lines.
With enough members of this ministry, the commitment would not be weekly. Please prayerfully consider joining us in offering hospitality!