Christ commands all of us to live a life that God created us for. In living our vocation, we are able to become witnesses of the Gospel message by which others are able to encounter Christ through us.
In following the words of St. Paul we seek to live our lives to “pray without ceasing.” In this life grounded in prayer, we constantly remind ourselves of what we were made for and are called to do in our private life and our life within the parish.
We are built upon and centered on our worship of God through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is from this Divine Sacrifice that we are sent forth to spread the Gospel every day of our lives.
As we serve the faithful of our area we learn how to better follow the example that Christ set when He “came to serve and not to be served.” It is through that message that we find new ways to encounter Christ in the lives of our parish family.
Our Catholic Faith never allows us to be stationary in any aspect of our life. Throughout our parish we are all called to grow in love and knowledge of God so we can always seek the life of service He is calling us towards.
We know that Christ doesn’t just call us to be good people but to become Saints in this world. In this journey towards a life of holiness we not only seek to grow closer to Our Lord, but to help bring others with us. We do this until one day we are all in the Communion of Saints in Heaven.
I was heading to Europe on a trip that Sunday night. I was telling Msgr. Corrigan (our Pastor at the time) about the flight. He put both his hands on my head and blessed me and asked the Lord for a safe trip. It filled me with peace. - Karen D